As Spring teases us with her presence I find my mind thinking about this year’s flowers and what natives found at the big box stores and knowing which are native to Michigan can be challenging.  The following flowers span the colors of the rainbow!

RED: Cardinal flower (Lobelia cardinals)




This is a beautiful flower that likes moist soil and can even tolerate occasional flooding.  It likes nutrient rich soils and blooms from late summer to early fall.

ORANGE: Butterfly Weed (Asclepius tuberosa)

This bloom is a pollinator and attracts not only butterflies but bees too!  This plant likes drier soil and full sun.  It blooms in the spring giving food to the emerging creatures.

YELLOW: Tickseed (coreopsis)



Tickseed is named for the ticks on the edges of the petals.  It likes at least 6 hours per day of sun and well drained soil.  It is also a pollinator!

GREEN: Indian Cucumber Root (medeola virginiana)

This hard to find plant is found in the forest understory.  It likes rich soil and mottled sunlight.

BLUE: Harebells (campunula rotundifolia)




This lovely blossom likes sandy soil and blooms from June to September. It likes full to partial shade.

INDIGO: Dwarf Lake Iris (Iris lacustris)

This spring bloomer is a water and sun lover. It can mainly be found within a two mile range of water.

VIOLET: Clustered Bellflower (campanula glomrata)



This showy flower likes rich soils, cool nights and full sun.  It also likes medium moist soil and is another pollinator favorite.

A couple of things to note here, it is best to check to see the legality of digging flowers for transplantation in your area.  Michigan has a few flowers, including the Trillium, that area illegal to dig. These were just a few of the many flowers of each color found in our beautiful state of Michigan so go, explore and fall in love with the beauties around us! 

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