Michigan Forest Association


Woodland Owner FAQ

The majority of forest owners are interested in attracting or supporting some kinds of wildlife, from songbirds to game species. Here are a few highlights to get you started:

Basics of wildlife habitat by the Michigan United Conservation Clubs offers a simple introduction to the components of wildlife habitat.

Forestry for Michigan Birds is a comprehensive how-to guide assembled by the American Bird Conservancy.

Featured game species:

American woodcock

Ruffed grouse


White-tailed deer


One of the first things we often hear from forest owners is that they just want to keep their forest healthy. There are many ways to think of forest health–here are a few links to get you started:

Overview of forest health

Forest Health Highlights is a document compiled annually by the Michigan DNR.

Climate Change Field Guide for Northern Michigan Forests, written by the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science, gives specific guidance on how to keep our forests healthy in the face of climate change.

Michigan Forestry Best Management Practices for Soil and Water Quality describes both voluntary and regulatory methods to protect soil and water quality when doing any forest management activity.

Invasive pests, diseases, and plants impact almost all of our forests in some way. Here are some specific sites to help identify and manage for them:

Field Identification Guide to Invasive Plants

Michigan’s Cooperative Invasive Species Management Areas

Midwest Invasive Species Information Network

Silvicultural Systems: Silviculture is the art and science of controlling the establishment, growth, composition, health and quality of forests and woodlands to meet the diverse needs and values of landowners and society on a sustainable basis.

Woodland Stewardship: A Practical Guide for Midwestern Landowners is a textbook that provides comprehensive information on putting together a management plan, conducting a responsible harvest, and tree planting basics–among other things.

Michigan Forestry Best Management Practices for Soil and Water Quality describes both voluntary and regulatory methods to protect soil and water quality when doing any forest management activity.

Find a professional to help!

MDARD Forestry Assistance Program foresters

Registered Forester Program

State programs to reduce your property taxes:

Commercial Forest Program

Qualified Forest Program

Funding assistance to help with some forest-based activities:

Environmental Quality Incentives Program

Conservation Reserve Program


Have you made plans for the future of your land? Explore these resources to help you continue your forest legacy:

Your Legacy, Your Land by the American Forest Foundation

Ties to the Land succession and estate planning resources offered by Oregon State University

Michigan Tree Farm is also a place to get started with future planning

Publications :

Past issues of our monthly newsletter for members to keep up to date on best practices for forestry, upcoming forest-based issues and member events.

MFA Leaves Newsletter for January 2023

MFA Leaves Newsletter for February 2023

MFA Leaves Newsletter for March 2023

MFA Leaves Newsletter for April 2023

Our quarterly periodical for Michigan Forest Association members. 

GREEN GOLD: Michigan Forest History a publication geared toward childhood education for elementary school age children. 




Michigan’s Famous and Historic Trees (warning: very large file [54 megabytes])

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